There are many things which make blast resistant design different than traditional design, but one that we often take for granted is the fact that we are not preventing damage, we expect damage to occur.
Our goal is to mitigate the hazardous effects of building damage to protect the assets – be they people, equipment, or information – inside the building. So, when someone says “a column (or window, or wall, etc.) ‘failed'”, you still don’t know the whole story. If it is a Blast Consultant saying this – they mean that the building element exceeded the acceptable level of damage. If a non-blast-trained person says this – they may be simply referring to the fact that there was damage.
Take a look at this video and ask yourself “did this window system fail?” My answer is “No”. This is because that while the exterior panes of glass broke, the inner panes did not. They maintained a hard-line, which is what protects the people inside the building.
Please join us at our Protection in High Threat Environments – Demonstration Course where we will discuss blast and other attack phenomena in the morning…and demonstrate it in the afternoon.
The early registration deadline (February 28) is nigh. Sign up soon and reserve your spot! Click here for more information.