Architectural & Engineering Services for Master Planning and Other Associated Studies (REF_NO_HHS-NIH-ORF-SBSS-13-011)
Summary: “Provide assistance to The National Institutes of Health (NIH), Office of Research Facilities (ORF), Division of Facilities Planning (DFP) on a project-by-project basis in developing and implementing the campus master plans; developing the NIH Buildings and Space Plan and the Buildings & Facilities budget plan; providing expertise in transportation and facility planning and analysis; overseeing activities that impact the use, appearance and environmental quality of NIH controlled sites; and providing technical liaison with other agencies and community organizations. This contract will involve projects focusing on, but not limited to, biomedical research laboratory facilities, clinical facilities, animal research facilities, containment facilities, administrative offices, and support facilities such as conference centers, food service facilities, public spaces and libraries.”
Response Date: August 16, 2013