While our years of experience have given us the opportunity to work with a wide variety of clients, our core areas of focus are Commercial, Governmental, and NGOs.
We offer design analysis and assessments for owners of high-tech facilities and commercial properties.
We work closely with their design teams in creating structures to resist blast. We can also assess existing structures to identify potential risks.
We work with governmental institutions such as Veterans Administration, Transportation Authorities, and Judicial Institutions to assist in the protection of hospitals, airports and transportation hubs, and both state and federal courthouses.
Our work in government typically involves design, assessments, and addressing risk criteria and processes. You can access our services through our GSA contract.
GSA IDIQ Information
Contract NO. 47PB0123D0002
Eastern Geographical Zone Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) Architect-Engineer (A/E)
Contract for Professional Blast Structural Engineering Services for the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA), Public Buildings Service (PBS), Region 1, and The Office of Architecture and Engineering (PA).
Non-governmental Organizations
We also work with a number of NGOs around the world, such as the UN, World Bank, IMF, and Asian Development Bank.
We are often asked to look at existing buildings or compounds, evaluate potential threats (blasts, forced entry, ballistics, etc.), and assist in developing mitigation strategies.
“Our world continues to change and evolve, quickly, and places that were once considered to be ‘safe’ are no longer. Our job is to help our clients protect themselves in this rapidly changing world.”
– Hollice Stone, P.E., Managing Principal and President
How can we help you?
At Stone, we are committed to providing expert anti-terrorism, explosive safety, protective design and extreme-loading mitigation services to protect lives, property, and critical infrastructure. Contact us today to learn more about how we can enhance your safety and security in an uncertain world.