When writing an RFP for a Blast Vulnerability Assessment there are a number of things to consider, one of which is whether to pay for the engineers of the assessment team to visit the site in person. Often, the inclination may be to reduce the cost of the assessment by excluding a site visit. We […]
Do You Need Help Navigating the Ever-Changing World of Safety & Security Criteria?
Did you know that there are more than 100 documents devoted to blast resistant/anti-terrorism design or testing for buildings? Do you know which ones apply to you? Our team recently sat down to review the most recent standards and guideline documents to make sure that we were all up-to-speed on the latest and greatest in our […]
Blast Class Offers Wide-Ranging Information For Building and Security Professionals
The engineers at Stone Security Engineering have more than 50 years of combined experience in protective design projects incorporating blast, ballistics, forced entry, and vehicle ramming resistance requirements. During these years, we have seen what works – and what does not work – when implementing these specialized design requirements in new and existing buildings. We want to share […]
Decoding Airblast Glass Response Classification Systems
Sometimes it seems that the world of blast design is a little bit like the wild, wild, west right now. As more organizations, institutions, and owners have become aware of the need for protecting people and places from explosions, there has been an outpouring of new – and often conflicting – criteria and guideline documents. […]
Stone In The Middle East – ASIS International Middle East Presentation
Our own Khaled El-Domiaty, Vice President and Associate Principal of Stone Security Engineering, will be the lead speaker at an upcoming technical dinner seminar on February 9, 2015 in Al-Khobar Saudi Arabia. The seminar has been jointly organized by Support Lines General Contracting Est. and ASIS International Middle East Dhahran Chapter 72. Mr. El-Domiaty […]
Protective Knowledge – Blast Resistance By Design. Save the Dates!
The Problem Have you ever been involved with a design or construction project with blast requirements, and been unsure about: The design implications. Which standards or guidelines to use. How to make sense of the standards or guidelines. Where to find the required products. The Solution “Protective Knowledge – Blast Resistance By Design” is a […]