Location and Mailing Address 2011 Crystal Drive, Suite 400 Arlington, VA 22202 General Email: Info-DC@StoneSecurityEngineering.com Office Phone Number: +1 (703) 682-6872 Khaled El-Domiaty, P.E. – Associate Principal and Vice President – Director of DC Office Operations With a remarkable background in design, analysis, research, and testing, Khaled El-Domiaty brings a detailed knowledge of leading-edge solutions to all his projects. […]
Earthquake Preparedness-Are We Ready?
With this year’s earthquakes in Southern California, Chili, and Mexico, and the the Fukashima earthquake and subsequent tsunami Japan still causing problems 3-years later, earthquake preparedness has – and should be – been on the minds of many. The New York Times recently posted an article and accompanying video discussing past earthquakes and the damage they […]
Arturo Montalva Speaks to ASIS Egypt Cairo Chapter
The ASIS Egypt Cairo Chapter’s first meeting in 2014 had Stone’s own Arturo Montalva present as the guest speaker. Below is a brief summary of the program from the latest ASIS Middle East Dynamics Newsletter. “The Egypt Cairo Chapter held its first meeting of 2014 on March 20 at the newly opened Le Meridien Hotel at […]
Lessons Learned from Power Grid Preparedness Drill
An after-actions report from GridEx II was released on March 12, 2014. The North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) held its second grid security exercise, GridEx II on November 13th and 14th. That exercise brought together over 2,000 participants from over 234 organizations from groups all across the United States, Canada, and Mexico and was […]
GSA Updates Progressive Collapse Guidelines
The United States General Services Administration (GSA) has officially released a new update to their progressive collapse criteria titled, General Services Administration Alternate Path Analysis & Design Guidelines For Progressive Collapse Resistance, dated October 24, 2013. This document has been modified from previous versions to more effectively address leased as well as owned facilities. Applicability […]
Decoding Airblast Glass Response Classification Systems
Sometimes it seems that the world of blast design is a little bit like the wild, wild, west right now. As more organizations, institutions, and owners have become aware of the need for protecting people and places from explosions, there has been an outpouring of new – and often conflicting – criteria and guideline documents. […]